Friday, January 29, 2010

Week 27 - Pic #3 - Friday Friends!

This will be the last Friday Friends edition for January, so make it count! It will come back at some point this year, but will be in retirement for a few months! Enjoy!


  1. You know that old saying about waiting 30 minutes after you eat to go into the pool? Yeah, well these kids don't give a fuck about that saying.

  2. "...And they say his body washed up in this very same pool..."

  3. What the guy in the blue shirt is thinking: "I don't care what these people are conversating about, but this food is awesome!"

  4. Let's not talk to Kate, because she didn't follow the "we only wear skirts to the pool" dress code. She's not one of us anymore.

  5. now with corporate sponsorship from DIET COKE. Pretty sneaky product placement there B.

  6. They had to wait at least an hour to get back in after Brian threw up in the pool. Awwww Horse Vomit!

  7. Once Ryan showed up at the party with his defined, muscle toned arms, every girl there got wet. And they hadn't even gotten in the pool yet! Wowza!

  8. Free food AND drinks? No wonder jews love pool parties so much!

  9. Brian and his friends were all excited to go swimming, until they saw the sign at the entrance of the pool: NO JEWS ALLOWED! When will the world learn? WHEN?!

  10. "Has anyone seen Joe Bernstein anywhere? Oh my god, he fell in the pool! You idiot, he can't swim! Somebody save him! SOMEBODY!!!"

  11. You'd think people would be swimming at Michael Phelps' pool party, but the brownies he had handed out at the door just made everyone so hungry...

  12. "I can't go swimming today," Renee told everyone. "I have diarrhea you see."

  13. Brian if this is your way of telling me to buy a square in your damn superbowl POOL, I swear to god...

  14. Ryan explained to the group that he couldn't go swimming since his left hand was just a blurry stump.
