Friday, January 8, 2010

Week 24 - Pic #3 - Friday Friends!

Welcome to the first edition of January's Friday Friends! This guy sure is a good friend of mine, so let's keep it nice and PG!


  1. Looks like this guy can't decide whether to put that rice krispie treat in his mouth or up his ass.

  2. Brian made it look like he was eating tons of food, but he was really just stuffing them down his shirt.

  3. "I can't remember if these are the desserts I made with ecstasy in them....Oh well!"

  4. "How much did you say this rice krispie treat was? $0.25? Oooh. Do you take jewpons? No....? Nevermind then...."

  5. "What's that Mr. Rice Crispy Treat? You can suck your own dick? And you do it a lot? Ummmm... I gotta go smear some mud on my ass..."

  6. "Why am I so itchy? Shit! Were these LICE crispy treats?!"

  7. Brian's boss Mr. Myamoto, feeling dishonored and humiliated, fired Brian after he wheeled out the final course of the meal he had prepared for him: "fried rice" crispy treats. Awwww horse meat!

  8. It wasn't until he got caught that Brian felt embarassed about putting Zoe's cat litter into the rice crispy treats. Snap, crackle, POOP!

  9. "If it ain't Twizzler bites, I ain't eatin em! Now, kindly leave! KINDLY leave!"

  10. Hey look! A gooey square and a jewy square!

  11. and no one other than brian or ryan commented ever again...

  12. Um...listen dude, I feel a little awkward about this, but...I mean, I know we have been having fun, hanging out, partying and what not but...uh...I'm sorry, I'm gonna have to eat you now.
