Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Week 27 - Pic #2 - It's 'Wednesday Caption' Wednesday!


  1. "Excuse me Sir, this is my blind friend Carol. I'll let you have your way with her for a bottle of that there Scotch."

  2. "Will you take off those stupid sunglasses now, Lorraine?!" We're in-fucking-doors! There's no need for them!"

  3. And now Katharine Hepburn and James Stewart recreate that episode of Strangers With Candy where Jerri pretends to be blind. "If only I could see what it's like to be blind!"

  4. Could this picture be any smaller? What's going on in it?!?! I can't find where the animal in funny clothing is!

  5. How many black eyes do you have under those sunglasses? I'll murder your husband, I swear.

    No, don't worry about it, I went on a coke binge last night and the light is just killing me.

    Oh, cool, no big deal then. Want to go back to my place and have intercourse?

    I'm married.

    Yeah, but he pounds you.

    No he doesnt punch me, remember, it's just coke. He actually snorted it off of my ass, and the only thing he pounded was my, well, you get the idea.

    Sooooooo, are we havin' sex or what?


  6. How much for this severed head? Does it come in brunette?

  7. ERROR! Photo too tiny for captioning! Please try again Friday. Message #14967

  8. The bar was filled with gumshoes, rubes and ex flyboys when she walked in. She had the kind of legs that just wouldn’t quit and I wanted to shimmy up one like a native boy looking for coconuts. She was as glorious to see as the Statue of Liberty would to a Russian immigrant but somehow I got the feeling that I would be the one left holding the torch.

  9. Joe was so depressed that Betsy had bought the new Dior sunglasses. How could she wear them in front of him? Couldn't she the envy in his eyes? Maybe the tint on her glasses was too dark. It wasn't fair, he thought. Just because he was a man he wasn't allowed to sport the hottest spring fashions-why God, WHY????
