Friday, August 7, 2009

Week 2 #3 - Friday Caption Fun Time!


  1. It took until the dessert course for Chun Woo to realize he had messed himself, nearly two hours after the meal had begun.

  2. "Don't worry, it was only one time, and it didn't mean anything, I swear," said his life partner Hanz.

  3. "The meal is fine, baby, I gave you that black eye because you didn't clean up the kitchen. Now you'll know for next time."

  4. "In my left hand, I hold the key to your chastity belt. Your father finally gave it to me. I...I...I just don't know if I'm ready yet."

  5. With Atlantic City closed, Woo-Chin found it difficult to get through the day.

  6. "Pretty sure i just swallowed my iphone. Yup. i definitely just swallowed my iphone."

  7. Ping had been through a lot in his life. He'd lost two brothers to the slippery edges of the stone well in his family's sprauling front yeard. His best friend Frank was killed in the war, and his wife of twenty eight years had left him for another man. 'Hory shit...' Ping thought to himself before reaching for his gun. "Rife just too hard!" Even though he was asian and it was pretty tough to tell, Ping squinted then breathed a sigh of relief as the gun he had made out of a rice paddi crumbled in his hands. "Guess I riv another day." Ping whispered to himself. "Riv another day..."

  8. Chan couldn't help but notice the irony that he was eating Chinese food while considering surgery to "Americanize" his eyes.

  9. I just hate you apple juice... I HATE YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!

  10. As Chun Woo began choking on his chopstick, he realized that he had forgot to move his clothes from the washer to the dryer. The true irony of it all is that in the wash were bedsheets with a chopstick pattern on them.

  11. After several days wthout any sign of it, Wang decided it was finally time to give up the search for his penis.

  12. Chun Woo thought hiding the wad of cash up his ass was a good idea at the time, but he hadn't really thought things through about how to retrieve, or what kind of paper cuts would occur from its removal.

  13. It's that fucking guy from the Hangover! I swear to fucking God if I see this guy one more time, I'm gonna impale myself on a fucking samurai sword!! Aren't there any other actors out there?! He's not even that funny!! Seriously, who did this guy blow to get into so many god damn movies?!! Did he suck Judd Apatow's dick for like three hours straight?! AHHHHHH!!!!
