Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Week 16 - Pic #2 - It's 'Wednesday Caption' Wednesday!


  1. George Lucas's inspiration for a Star Wars bad guy came when he worked as a carnival artist. His inspiration for C3PO came when he had sex with a robot.

  2. "What do you like to do for fun, little girl?"


    "Oh, OK...what what about when you're with your friends?"

    "Don't have any...too busy EATing......"

    "That sounds about right....let me just add a few more wrinkles here....and I think we are done...."

  3. A little girl stepped on David's 'Return of the Jedi' cassette tape when he was younger....He never forgave her for it....and he never would forgive any little girl for it.....David had found his revenge......and it wouldn't be finished until he drew every little girl that came up to him as Jabba the Hut.

  4. If you think this drawing is impressive, wait until you see the artist's penis. It's actually what drew that picture.

  5. Hey B, lay off the fat jokes. Not everyone can live off of three cookies a day you know.

  6. To be fair, Jaba the Hut is the only thing Charley could draw. This time it just happened to be accurate.

  7. More like SCARE-icature! Awww horse child obesity!

  8. Steven Jenkins, famous for being the world's first blind caricaturist, used his accute sense of smell to determine what a person looked like, and this little girl smelled like cheeseburgers and bacon grease. Nailed it again Steve! Amazing!

  9. "Little girl, I told you, I don't have any hot dogs! I only sell pictures of Star Wars charaters!"

  10. Phillip Seymour Hoffman was one ugly little girl...

  11. I don't get it. Why did the guy draw a picture of Joe Bernstein?
