Friday, November 6, 2009

Week 15 - Pic #3 - Friday Caption Fun Time!


  1. "Mommmmmmmmmm! You're embarassing me! I told you I wanted my red lunchbox!"

  2. "Mommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! I think I put on your shirt by mistake!"

  3. Phillip knew now that his first day of 4th Grade was going to be his best year yet.....even if he didn't know what the word 'FUCK' meant.

  4. Poor Ryan. He had been blind since birth. He was a little surprised that his new classmates were warming up to him so fast. They had just met him this past week for the first time. They even bought him a new shirt to wear around. Ryan thought it was such a nice gesture. No one, not even Ryan's mom, had the heart to tell him what kind of joke the kids had played on him. The truth would have literally exploded his fat little head.

  5. "That's funny, so do I," said his 400 pound male math teacher with a wink.

  6. You never know who you'll find on!!

  7. If you think that shirt is impressive, wait until you see his penis. It's somewhere in those short shorts. What? You didn't find it yet? Just keep looking, I'm sure it's there.

  8. Eli's sick plan worked. His clever shirt distracted people from discovering the severed male genitals in his lunch box.

  9. Who found Wayne Knight's 3rd grade summer camp photo?

  10. "Me name Andy me think I'm great! Me fake zombie me fuck on da first date!"

  11. Ironically, the back of his shirt says "NO FAT CHICKS!"

  12. Brian and Kate's first born son Simon Bernstein knew his first day at fat camp would be awesome, although he couldn't help but wonder how he'd had the rotten misfortune of inheriting his grandfather Joe's genes... Was obesity recessive? He'd find out at the Arts & Crafts & Biology Cabin!

  13. The judges were a bit put off when "little" Tommy showed up for the wet t-shirt contest, but after droppin his shapely ass like it was hot, and performing the best damn titty spinnin they had ever seen, a standing ovation and the grand prize of a rinestone bedazzled bikini was all his.

  14. The only box this kid is ever gonna touch...

  15. I can't believe he grew up and married Rebecca Romijn-Stamos.

  16. Imagine you're this kid. You think it might be fun to spend a little time surfin' the web. You stumble upon this caption "blog" and see that not only is there a picture of you when you were a kid displayed for everyone to see, an image you thought you'd left behind after years of strenuous excercise and painful dieting, but everyone on the blog is making fun of you. Now how would you feel? You feel like a big man Brian?! Huh?! Well that kid was me!! It was glandular god dammit! Glandular!!!!

  17. I know you already referenced this Brian, but this kid DOES look exactly like fuckin Phillip. You sure it's not him?

  18. "Time to excersize the demons! This bunk.... is clean!"
