Monday, February 8, 2010

Week 29 - Pic #1 - Monday Caption Bonanza!


  1. They said there was an apple in this tree....I don't see it..... Aw horse apples!

  2. Now horse, count to 100, and don't you dare peek to see where I'm hiding!

  3. Once all the humans of the world have been horse-raped, the horses will move on to trees. So it is written.

  4. The Giving Tree decided that the next time she gave birth to a horse it it would be a C Section.

  5. "Is that a pony, a unicorn, or a horse? I love flowers, stickers, and rainbows!" - Kate

  6. When asked what he thought about being stuck in a tree, Mr. Horse responded, "No sir, I don't like it!"

  7. "Okay, we're ready to start the party. Wait! Has anyone seen Aliza?"

  8. Sea Biscuit dared to answer the age old question: do those elves taste as good as their cookies? He later told us they taste like shit.

  9. this horse was read one too many Winnie the Pooh stories as a phillie...he now lives his life as the famous yellow bear.

  10. Horses just don't know how to hold their liquor.

  11. This was the fourth time this week Harry the Horse had gotten his head stuck in that tree, proving the age-old adage, if we don't learn from it, "horse-tree" is doomed to repeat itself.

  12. "28....29....30! Ready or not here I come! Shit..."

  13. ...and i just realized that Brian already made this hide and seek joke... well don't I feel like a horse with his head stuck in a tree!

  14. "I feel like a reeeeaaaal horse's ass..."

  15. All those in favor of chopping down that old tree in the yard say "Nay!"

  16. (and for an even 10...) I guess there's not always room for Jell-O!

  17. Thousands of years before man ruled the earth, animals were in charge. Like us, they formed a society based on monetary and social class devisions. Some animals were held higher than others, and horses, due mostly to their strength, speed, and intelligence, made every other species jealous and were shunned. They were ridiculed for their color, and more specifically, their large snouts. They were burned, shot, drowned, but mostly, and most horrifically of all, hung from trees.
    This horse "non" sense went on for decades, and it wasn't until Hershel the Horse, or "Hershel the Hero" as he was later deemed by historians, took a stand that this behavior was put to an end.
    "Why should I be persecuted for having a large snout?" Hershel thought to himself one day as he grazed in the pen that he and several other horse families had been confined to.
    "Why shouldn't I have the rights that every other animal on this earth have? Why should I have to work day in and day out as a slave plowing fields, and pulling carts while other animals roam freely?" He could not understand why this injustice was, but he knew he had to do something about it.
    Once a week, the gang of pigs and wolves that owned the land in which Hershel and his family slaved feverishly day to day would pick a horse at random and hang him from the giant oak tree by the pond. It was terrible. Hershel himself had watched his own father's lifeless body hang from that tree.
    One day as Hershel pulled a cart of vegetables through the fields, a wolf riding Hershel's mother stopped him in his tracks.
    "We hangin another one tomorrow," he sneered through his drool soaked whiskers. "And it's gone be YOU, you long nosed ass." Whipping his mother with a long switch made from his father's own mane, he rode off cackling into the sunset leaving Hershel exhausted, and more importantly, enraged. He knew he had to do something, or by that time the next day, he'd be hanging by his father from a gnarled branch of the oak tree, and he'd be damned if he was going to let that happen.

  18. So he devised a plot to chew down the oak tree. After sneaking away from his field duties, Hershel stealthily made his way to the pond and began to gnaw at the surprisingly soft wood of the oak. He had gotten pretty far through the trunk when he realized he was stuck. He tried chewing more, but that only got him more stuck. He tried pulling his head out with all of the might within his muscular body, but it was no use. Hershel was stuck. Stuck like the glue that had been made from the hooves of his sisters and brothers.
    And it was stuck in that tree Hershel stayed. At first, when the pigs and wolves saw Hershel's ass hanging out of the giant oak, they laughed.
    "How'd ye get stuck in there boy?" They barked and pointed, slapping their knees, and pounding their hooves and paws in the dirst hysterically. "We definitely gonna hang you now!"
    But after unsuccessfully trying to pull Hershel out from the tree using everything that they had, they began to get angry.
    They tied Hershel's mother, aunt, and uncle to his legs, and commanded them to pull, whipping them until they bled. They pulled, and pulled, and pulled so hard that the tree began to shake.
    "Keep pulling!" the animals shouted. "Do not stop or we will kill you all!"
    Suddenly, the tree began to crack and tremble so hard that it fell, killing every pig and wolf on the farm.
    The horses cheered as Hershel was finally released from the clutches of the once tall oak. Now, because of Hershel's brave act, not only was Hershel himself free, but every horse in the pen was free as well. The horses hoisted Hershel up onto their backs, and carried him down to the pond for a celebratory swim that was sweeter than anything any of them had ever experienced. Hershel was a hero!
    Once word got out that horses were fighting back, they began to retaliate all over the world. Finally a balance had been reached between all of God's creatures, and life was good again.
    Thousands of years later, as human society came to be, Jews began to be persecuted for their talents and large snouts much like the horse had been. They overcame many hardships, and because of the similarities between the jews and Hershel's family's hardships, all Jewish men are now said to be "hung like horses".

  19. If you think that horse getting his head stuck is impressive, then you should check out his penis--he's hung like an otter.
