Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Week 7 - Pic #1 - It's 'Wednesday Caption' Wednesday!


  1. "And now for news at the top of the hour, LITTLE GIRLS FUCKING SUCK!"

  2. Gertrude tried to entice her radio by showing it some thigh, but the radio was not interested....not in the least.

  3. Don't be confused...a 50 inch radio is not as cool as a 50 inch plasma. This girl is a tool.

  4. Johnny thought it would be sweet if he hid inside the family's giant radio and sang his daughter Laura a song for her birthday. Sadly, he was trapped and died, and the smell of his rotting corpse seeping through the speakers was anything but sweet. Happy Birthday Laura!

  5. "Psst! Little girl! Kill your family!"

  6. Family Guy just isn't the same without the pictures...

  7. When you're deaf, a rado's just a big box. Mmmmm... big box...

  8. So I dressed a little girly when i was a kid. Big deal!

  9. "This just in! Police are looking for a psychotic woman with the same disease as that Esther chick from Orphan! If you have any details on the where-abouts of this girl, please alert the authorities! She is extremely dangerous and may be sitting next to a lamp! That is all!"

  10. OK Mr Wells. I killed all of my family so there will be more food for me when the aliens come in those nasty tripods.

  11. "Oh Radio, I can't wait to marry you!"

  12. If this was a scene in Final Destination, the oversized lamp would hit her on the head, then the radio would fall on top of her, and then the house would explode.

  13. Radio: "I'll let you touch my dials if I can touch yours."

  14. Had Mary only turned around, she would have realized the murder taking place was happening behind her, and not on the radio program she thought she was listening to.

  15. Little did Bertha know that this was to be the last time she would hear the Big Bopper on the radio. After his plane crashed, she would never feel his baritone voice making her labia flutter.

  16. Aliens invading? Taking over the planet, you say? Just as I thought...I will be reunited with my people and I can leave this puny planet behind! I've been waiting so long...FINALLY I WILL BE VINDICATED!!!!!!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!

  17. I can't wait for television to come out. This radio porn sucks!

  18. Orignally, George Lucas had wanted Star Wars to be called "Weird Shit", and wanted R2-D2 to be a radio, C3P0 to be a lamp, and Luke Skywalker to be a little girl. Man that woulda been awesome!
