Monday, February 14, 2011

Week 65 - First Post of 2011!

Just in case you missed I am again! The blog has gotten off to a slow start for 2011, but expect more and more captioning to come (well, maybe not 3 times a week like last year......)!


  1. "Did they call you to do Matrix 4 yet?"
    "Nope. You?"

  2. "When do you think you can get me guest on your CSI show Larry?"

    "Well, we're always looking for people to play dead bodies. You're pretty good at just laying there looking emotionless."

  3. "Larry, how'd you get to be in that new Predators movie?"

    "It's called auditioning. I read for the part and was offered the role. I originally was vying for the Predator role but I couldn't go dreadlocks fast enough."

  4. Keanu, your disarming boyish good looks may work with the ladies, but not on me. I'm more interested in seeing Justin Bieber's latest HE is a star!
