Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Week 47 - Pic #2 - It's 'Wednesday Caption' Wednesday!


  1. After Timmy died drowning in the well, Lassie decided to avenge his death by becoming a private eye. You pay him in biscuits and he pays you with answers.

  2. Lassie is not a size 14 shoe. If it was then his red rocket could reach me over here. OVER HERE.

  3. Somewhere in the world, Nathan Blumenfeld is one fisherman's hat short.

  4. He's really just trying to distract you from the huge mounds of shit he placed under the couch cushions. Good luck getting THOSE stains out.

  5. Leave your judgements at the door, bucko. So what if I like to dress up as a human? So what if I like to wear you clothes when you're at work? I know what's in your top dresser drawer...yeah, that's right. So who's judging who now?
